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SRX22629112: GSM7916310: POXKu70_3; Penicillium oxalicum; RNA-Seq
1 DNBSEQ (DNBSEQ-G400) run: 22.3M spots, 6.7G bases, 3.9Gb downloads

External Id: GSM7916310_r1
Submitted by: College of Life Science and Technology, Guangxi University
Study: Regulation mechanism of POX08340 and POX01907 in Penicillium oxalicum HP7-1 at the transcriptional level
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In order to studing molecular mechanism of Raw Starch Digesting Glucoamylase production in Penicillium oxalicum ,we deleted POX01907 and POX08340 and analyzed the co-expression network of POX08340 and POX01907 at transcriptional level. Overall design: We then performed gene expression profiling analysis using data obtained from RNA-seq of at 24h after tansfer to the enzyme production medium with raw starch (the only carbon source).
Sample: POXKu70_3
SAMN38391666 • SRS19627596 • All experiments • All runs
Name: GSM7916310
Instrument: DNBSEQ-G400
Strategy: RNA-Seq
Selection: cDNA
Layout: PAIRED
Construction protocol: RNA was extracted with Trizol, the purity of RNA (OD260/280) was detected by Nanodrop2000. The integrity of RNA were accurately detected by Agilent 2100,the detection indicators include: RIN value, 28S/18S, whether the map baseline is raised, 5S peak, and electrophoresis to detect whether the RNA sample is diffuse or has a genome DNA contamination. After the sample is qualified, the library is constructed. The main process is as follows: 1) mRNA enrichment for total RNA by mRNA enrichment method: Enrich mRNA with polyA tail using magnetic beads with Oligo dT. 2) Fragment the RNA obtained by interrupting the buffer, perform reverse transcription with random N6 primers, and synthesize the double-stranded cDNA to form double-stranded DNA. 3) Fill in the end of the synthesized double-stranded DNA and phosphorylate the 5' end, form a sticky end with a protruding "A" at the 3' end, and then connect a bubbling linker with a protruding "T" at the 3' end. 4) The ligation product is amplified by PCR with specific primers. 5) The PCR product is thermally denatured into single-stranded DNA, and then a single-stranded circular DNA library is obtained by circularizing the single-stranded DNA with a bridge primer.
Runs: 1 run, 22.3M spots, 6.7G bases, 3.9Gb
Run# of Spots# of BasesSizePublished


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